Pagies :)

30 November 2011


Two Two One Bravo Baker ist eine der härtesten, blutigsten, realsten, porno-sten, spannendsten und schlichtweg besten Fanfics, die ich je gelesen habe. Ich spare euch die Details, aber dieses Zitat- völlig aus dem Kontext gegriffen und daher fast harmlos- brachte mich zum Lachen, und daran will ich mich erinnern. -Pin-

We can take him from here,” Sherlock says.
“He knows who the fourth member of the conspiracy is,” John says.
“Mycroft may already know who the fourth conspirator is,” Sherlock says to John.
“Or he may not,” John says. “Do you seriously want to kill your only remaining lead?”
“Is he just going to sit there?” Henn says.
“Are we just going to sit here?” Blackwood asks.
“If he stays there long enough, he’ll get heat stroke,” Henn says.
“If he stays there long enough, so will we,” Blackwood says.

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